Jatun Risba, Art of Self

04. 12. 2018

Jatun Risba, Art of Self

Jatun Risba is a prerormance artist. exploring new opportunities in hypnotic.

Can you please explain me how was in the beginning, when you were looking for a company?

I was excited but a bit overwhelmed at the beginning because of the (too) many companies in the EYE directory which I was drawn to. With the help of my Intermediary Organisation (Ms Mojca Cvirn) I decided to follow my deepest desires and connected with a business owner chosen by me, who works in the specific field I was mostly interested in! It was the right decision.

How was the selection at the beginning?

It took a while to fill all the forms and have the agreement signed. Once again, the Intermediary Organisation (Ms Mojca Cvirn) was very helpful in facilitating the process!

What do you think are the benefits for the young entrepreneur, going abroad for one year?

Unfortunately my program didn't last for one year. However, the benefits are enormous. Living and working abroad enables young entrepreneurs to create an international network of business partners, to improve their language and professional skills and grow holistically! It is a meaningful, mind-expanding experience!

What are the highlights of your exchange; would you outline anything?

I mostly enjoyed the supportive learning environment provided by my host entrepreneur! The most valuable part of the entire exchange was the HE's supervision of my work and his mentorship in my proposal to develop a specific training program for Art professionals.

