Latest projects

PoMP - Supporting young people in entrepreneurship

PoMP - Supporting young people in entrepreneurship

Project date: 01. 04. 2022 - 30. 04. 2024


Contact: Milan Lazarević


The PoMP project aims to create a comprehensive and sustainable support environment that encourages Slovenian primary and secondary school students to explore entrepreneurial ideas, develop business models and provide them with the necessary entrepreneurial knowledge and skills development.

The PoMP project will include training and workshops for head teachers, school principals and teachers, and in the 2022/2023 school year we will hold a PoMP Academy aimed at knowledge transfer and independent implementation of the programme with young people.

The project will also establish an online platform to serve as a network for entrepreneurship mentors, and it will conclude with a best practise exchange with the Norwegian partner, NTNU University of Trondheim, represented by one of Europe's leading experts in entrepreneurship education, Prof. Vegard Johansen.

The main target groups are: young people, their teachers/mentors, the project partners' staff who will enhance their competences during the project, support and educational institutions as well as interested individuals who will join a network of supportive environments to support young people in a sustainable way even in less dynamic environments.

Project partners:

  • ZRS Bistra Ptuj (lead partner)
  • Primorska Technological Park,
  • Development Centre Novo Mesto,
  • Technology Park Ljubljana,
  • Saša Incubator and
  • Norwegian partner NTNU

The PoMP project is co-financed by Norway via the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.

Total project budget: € 497,374.
