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I3HIES: Boosting Interregional Innovation Investment and cooperation among Health Innovation EcoSystems

I3HIES: Boosting Interregional Innovation Investment and cooperation among Health Innovation EcoSystems

Project date: 01. 11. 2023 - 31. 10. 2025

Contact: Monika Cvetkov


Europe has long been a centre of excellence for high-quality healthcare and still has the potential to be a global hub for research and development in health. What is needed for that, is to build up a long-term, collaborative, interregional ecosystem that supports and incentivises R&D and stable long-term partnerships.

The focus:

The I3HIES project will focus on health innovation ecosystems to achieve the desired efficacy of the healthcare sector and will boost and sustain efficient international collaboration of the relevant quadruple helix innovation actors. The 9 partners (from Hungary, Austria, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) will specially focus on 3 thematic focus areas: i) medical devices, ii) emergency equipment and iii) MDR (Medical Device Regulation) compliance.

Specific objectives:

  • SO1 Accelerate the development of validated innovation investments in the thematic focus areas of the project,
  • SO2 Enhance interregional cooperation and participation in EU value chains,


  • Community building (improved business climate for competitive ecosystems; identified and integrated active innovation support intermediaries; identified I3 instrument related value chain & investment pipelines based on mapping and benchmarking.
  • Front end discovery (developed innovation infrastructure with identified areas and topics for innovation diffusion policy measures for investments; tested tools for mapping supply-side competencies; increased innovation capacity of the ecosystems).
  • Business case design (developed business cases ready to apply for the I3 instrument calls).
  • Preparation for funding (increased capacities of companies to participate in I3 Instrument projects, identification of competitive regional products and services for interregional and EU level value chains).


Total budget: 1.259 290 EUR

Press Release

Press Release no.1

Press Release no.2

Ideas for I3HIES can be found HERE

The project was funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
