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DIGI-SI: to accelerate digital transformation in various fields to achieve prosperity and a better EU future

DIGI-SI: to accelerate digital transformation in various fields to achieve prosperity and a better EU future

Project date: 01. 10. 2022 - 30. 09. 2025

Contact: Rebeka Žerovnik, Majda Potokar, Aleš Pevc


The aim of the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) is to actively promote the digital transformation of the economy and public sector through the use of the latest digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, big data, and augmented/virtual reality, while ensuring cybersecurity and the necessary digital skills. 

The EDIH consortium DIGI-SI will provide support to businesses and the public sector through education and awareness-raising, experimentation before investing in advanced digital solutions, conducting digital maturity assessments of companies and organizations, connecting businesses and organizations with researchers and the innovation ecosystem, and assisting with financing.

The project will last three years and will be funded by the EU's Digital Europe Programme (DEP) and cohesion funds.

The University of Maribor will play a crucial role in the Program for a Digital Europe and is expected to become a part of the European development environment.

The DIGI-SI consortium includes more than 200 researchers from the University of Maribor and the most powerful computers in Slovenia, HPC Maister and VEGA.


  • University of Maribor's DIH UM – lead partner
  • Jožef Stefan Institute
  • DIH Slovenia
  • Ljubljana Technology Park
  • Arctur
  • ITC - Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota
  • TCS - Center for Slovenian Tooling Cluster in Celje

Total budget: 3.331.199,96 EUR
