Thematic workshop: Opportunities for the Slovenian R&I Stakeholders in the European Thematic S3 Partnerships and in Vanguard Initiative Trans-regional S3 Collaboration

Thematic workshop: Opportunities for the Slovenian R&I Stakeholders in the European Thematic S3 Partnerships and in Vanguard Initiative Trans-regional S3 Collaboration

Date: 12. 12. 2017 at 07:30

Introduction of digitalization, smart processes and technologies to companies through digital innovation hubs and cluster integration

Technology park Ljubljana Ltd is honoured to invite you to the thematic workshop:  Opportunities for the Slovenian R&I Stakeholders in the European Thematic S3 Partnerships and in Vanguard Initiative Trans-regional S3 Collaboration.

Renown international experts in the field of innovative ecosystems, pilot plants and digitalization will attend different panels, workshops and roundtables.

 The thematic workshop will address the following main topics:

  • Opportunities for the participation of R&I stakeholders in the S3 thematic partnership and in the Vanguard Initiative
  • The importance of the Vanguard Initiative for companies, brokering organisations and decision makers
  • Presentation of successful and sustainable pilot projects within the Vanguard Initiative
  • Best practices of Industry 4.0 and commercialization of R&D processes
  • Digitalization and implementation of smart processes and technologies in SMEs
  • Presentation of Slovene Pilot Plants and future Digital Innovation Hubs
  • Implementation of transnational initiatives and the development of clusters
  • Presentation of the vision and further activities of the Greenomed and Smart Space projects

Technology park Ljubljana Ltd is a partner of a transnational projects GREENOMED (Funded by Interreg Mediterranean transnational programme) and SMART-SPACE (Funded by Interreg Alpine space programme). GREENOMED - Mediterranean Trans-Regional Cooperation for green manufacturing innovation is focused on transferring experiences gathered by the Vanguard Initiative and further expansion of this initiative to the new European regions and members of the Vanguard especially in the field of Green manufacturing.

SMART-SPACE project - Smart manufacturing for Alpine Space SMEs is as seen from its title focused on creation of a transnational Smart Manufacturing Digital innovation hub and creation of tools for SMEs, policymakers and intermediaries to boost smart manufacturing processes.

Please see additional details and programs about the thematic workshop below.

The thematic workshop will be held in English. Entrance to the full event is free of charge.

Please apply by filling out the registration form, at the following link:

Registration form


Tuesday 12th December 2017:
Technology Park Ljubljana Ltd, Tehnološki park 19, 1000 Ljubljana

7:30 – 8:00

Jutranja kava - Registracija in prihod udeležencev

8:00 – 8:15

Pozdravni govor in predstavitev konference

8:15 – 9:00

Predstavitev Vanguard iniciative - namen in vizija

Valentina Pinna, Lombardy Region


Priložnost za sodelovanje R&I deležnikov v tematskem partnerstvu S3 in v trans regijskem sodelovanju - Vanguard iniciativi

Dr. Aleš Gnamuš, DG JRC - Smart Specialisation Platform

9:45 – 10:00

Odmor za kavo

10:00 – 12:30

Prezentacija uspešnih in trajnostnih pilotskih projektov znotraj Vanguard iniciative

·       DR. Giacomo Copani - ITIA CNR-Lombardy

Okrogla miza: Vpliv in prednosti Vanguard iniciative za podjetja, posredniške organizacije in  odločevalce

·       Dr. Peter Wostner - SVRK

·       Dr. Ales Hančič – TECOS

·       Iztok Lesjak – TPLJ

·       Dr. Giacomo Copani - ITIA CNR-Lombardy

·       Maja Ferlinc, MSc - Slovenian Business & Research Association



Andreja Jester






12:30 – 13:30

Kosilo in mreženje


Digitalizacija in vpeljava pametnih procesov ter tehnologij v MSP ter najboljše prakse industrije 4.0 in komercializacija R&D procesov

·       Stefano Salvador - AREA SCIENCE

·       Marjana Majerič – TPLJ

·       Martin Pečar - Smart Cities

·       Franco Scolari - Polo Tecnologico Pordenone,

·       Andreas Schlegel - FRAUNHOFER IWU

·       Christof Droste - HIDRIA

·       Nenad Šutanovac - ICT Innovation Network

Andreja Jester


14:45 – 15:30

Predstavitev primerov pilotskih tovarn (Pilot Plants) in bodočih vozlišč za digitalne inovacije (Digital Innovation Hubs)

·       Mag. Marko Bohar – Smart factory cluster

·       Dr. Emilija Stojmenova – Fab lab network

·       Dr. Ales Hančič – TECOS

·       Žiga Kraševec - PwC,

·       Monika ZAJC - Post of Slovenia

Andreja Jester

15:30 – 16:00

Vizija in nadaljnje aktivnosti projektov GREENOMED in SMART-SPACE

·       Simona Kneževič Vernon – Tehnološki park Ljubljana

·       Marko Močnik - Pomurski tehnološki park

16:00 – 16:15

Odmor za kavo

16:15 – 18:00

Delavnica: Mentorstvo in svetovanje za podjetja -  ena na ena s strokovnjaki iz Slovenije in tujine

·       Valentina Pinna, Lombardy Region

·       Franco Scolari - Polo Tecnologico Pordenone,

·       Marjana Majerič - TPLJ,

·       Iztok Lesjak - TPLJ,

·       Domen Bole – TPLJ

·       Rovatti Fabrizio - AREA SCIENCE

·       Dr. Ales Hančič – TECOS

·       Nenad Šutanovac - IKT horizontal network

·       Mag. Marko Bohar – Smart factory cluster

·       Dr. Emilija Stojmenova – Fab lab network

·       Andreas Schlegel - FRAUNHOFER IWU

