Greenomed Workshop at Jožef Stefan Institute

20. 07. 2018

Greenomed Workshop at Jožef Stefan Institute

On 18th of July 2018, GREENOMED project partners, Technology park Ljubljana and Pomurje Technology Park, together with ToP Center and CNR ITIA - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche  organized a Greenomed Workshop at Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The morning session was devoted to presenting the Vanguard initiative on opportunities for industry players within the Greenomed project. In the afternoon, two workshops were held parallel; the first was the presentation of ideas for pilot use in the food industry SRIP Food, the other identified the possibilities of cooperation and various production opportunities within De- and Re-manufacturing. With the help of international experts from CNR ITIA our aim was to promote investment in smart specialization and to establish efficient and sustainable manufacturing.
